Wednesday 13 January 2010

Snow's all gone! - SeaKnits knitting group begins

I just could not show you this photo - it is my most favourite of all my snow photos but now the snow has all gone and today the sun was shining and the day has been really lovely. So you need to see this now as we will probably not get any more snow this year.

So to SeaKnits - my new knitting group.

Village Crafts has launched a knitting group with the name of SeaKnits based on the fact that we are in the unique position of being only 200 meters from the beach and the sea. We will shortly be making the Gallery at Village Crafts the home for the group, this last weekend saw us rejigging all the funiture and stock in there to make way for a working table and enough chairs for our knitters. We have recently got in more yarn stocks and will shortly be ordering Bergere de France and Artyarn to add to the Sirdar range and artisan yarns we currently stock. If you would like to join our knitting group which will be on Wednesday afternoons from 2pm to 4pm then please contact the shop on 01736 711808 or leave a comment on this blog.

If you are on holiday in our area then please book yourself in - we would love to meet you and for you to join our SeaKnits group whilst you are in Cornwall.


  1. Hi Valerie

    I was just thinking of my next holiday down in Cornwall. I attended the morning of your spinning class last October. It was great fun!

    Great to hear about the knitting group you have started, hope to meet you in again in June. I'm on Ravelry as DrFunkee. On of my progets page is a cowl knitted with some lovely wool from your shop.

    Looking forward to meeting up again!

    XSadie in North Lincolnshire

  2. Hi Sadie
    I was also thinking about you the other day and remembering our first spinning and weaving workshop. I will have a look at you on Ravelry as I am there also but I am only just pulling my profile together. I am trying to put on there the yarns that I produce but haven't been 100% successful yet.

    Will send you an email shortly to bring you up to date re workshops etc
